Contact Drainage Septic Pros for septic tank installation Lebanon CT. Do you need a larger tank, a leaching field, or a septic system for a new home? Where your septic system is concerned, you want an expert contractor onsite. Owner Kyle Stearns has been in the drainage and septic business since 1996 and has an excellent reputation in eastern Connecticut.
The pandemic changed the daily work and school routines for many Connecticut families. Families that spent months working and attending school from home soon discovered their septic systems became overloaded. Rural homeowners found their septic tanks could not handle the household’s increased demands. Accumulation of toilet waste, bathwater, dishwasher and laundry drainage quickly filled tanks that suddenly seemed to back up with annoying regularity. So if you have a large family and an overworked septic system, call Drainage Septic Pros for an evaluation and an estimate to correct the problem.
Septic Overload Can Damage Your Septic System
If the tank doesn’t have enough room to hold all of the waste that your septic system produces, then your tank will fill up and your system will not be able to function properly. Installing a larger septic tank will allow for more effective and efficient handling of waste. The correct septic system means less odor and easier maintenance.
Don’t ignore your overburdened septic system – call Drainage Septic Pros and get a written estimate for the repair today. For new septic tank installation, system repair or upgrade, we tackle it quickly and professionally. Our work is guaranteed in writing. Call 860-450-1592 today.